



The Wellness Division is designed for women who exhibit a physique characterised by a limited muscle separation, more athleticism, and aesthetic appeal, featuring a fuller muscle belly compared to the Bikini Division. Situated between bikini and physique categories, Wellness competitors are evaluated based on overall body tone. Desired attributes include a firm appearance of body parts with reduced body fat, akin to the bikini category, avoiding excessive muscularity or leanness, and ensuring freedom from muscle separation
and striations.

Physiques excessively muscular will receive lower marks.

Judging criteria and competitor rounds mirror those of the women’s bikini division, involving quarter turns and an individual ‘I’ walk presentation. Key considerations include vertical proportions (legs to upper body length) and horizontal proportions (hips and waist to shoulder width). Women with slightly larger hips, quads, and glutes may have an advantage in this division.


Two-piece Competition bikini.


Should be natural and even in appearance and not unnaturally dark.


Accessories such as bracelets necklaces rings are expected to be kept to a minimum. Other accessories such as hats, canes etc. are not permitted.


Competition Heeled shoes are compulsory.

Round 1 Quarter Turns

The general presentation during the quarter turns will consist of competitors presenting themselves with poise, self-confidence and posture. They will present in fixed but not flexed stance.
The judges are looking for a “total package” and competitors are warned against adopting any stance that tries to emulate too much muscularity.

Judges will request the following from the line-up.

1. A pose from the front
2. A pose from left side
3. A pose from the back
4. A pose from the right side
5. One or two for your favourite poses

Round 2 – I Walk

Competitor’s will perform an I walk individually. Starting point at back of stage facing judges table, head judge will request you to walk forward to stage front, stop front stage then be requested to rotate right, left side pose, to rear pose, right side pose, to front pose, then to face rear of stage and walk back, once a rear of stage turn to front again, head judge will then ask you to return to line up in numerical order, I walk to music of the DJ’s choice.

Round 3 – Comparisons / Call outs:
(Only if required)

Competitors may be called back on to stage. Competitor numbers will be called requesting them to come front / centre stage in small groups of 2 – 6.

Judges may request the following from the line-up.

1. A pose from the front
2. A pose from left side
3. A pose from the back
4. A pose from the right side
5. One or two for your favourite poses

Athletes who are not in the line-up are asked to remain in a front pose of their choice.

Pose-down & Awards

All athletes may be asked to assemble in a line at back of stage for placement awards.

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